Blog 6

Hello everyone. Today I´m going to talk about the postgraduate studies.
Before thinking about studying some postgraduate studies I want to dedicate to get my degree in pharmaceutical chemistry.
The university has been very difficult for me, I did not go to chemistry and pharmacy because the score isn´t enough me and I entered another career, then I changed here.
The first semesters I reproved several subject that sincerely were very difficult for me as Organic Chemistry I, buy now I´m doing better than before and that makes me very happy.
I still do not know what I would like to do after or if I would study some postgraduate studies. I have not done the intermediate practice and I don’t know nothing about the my future job .  This confuses me a lot.
Sometime I would like dedicate myself to research and teaching. I like to teach. Other time I think that is better to dedicate myself to hospital pharmacy but it is very hard.
Although I still have three years left I know that nowadays it is necessary to study postgraduate studies to get better jobs or a better salary.


  1. The important is finish the career and the other things, the time will decide.


  2. I feel we have to finish the undergraduate and then we should think about what comes ahhaha <3


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